This is for the cynic. For the disgruntled idealist, ready to defend their acquired taste for the strong word and shocking phrase, as sign of a more nuanced and subtle mind. They know much, and knowledge leaves no room for naive optimism. And, an occasional jab only makes the life spicier, like bitter coffee and dark chocolate. It’s not for children.

This is for the closeted cynic. Who is eager and even resilient, until left alone, and the disappointment washes over, and there is no place to retreat from one owns thoughts. And this is when all efforts seem futile.

This is for the one for whom a rueful laugh is a diversion from any thought provoking question. With whom a conversation is an exercise in humorous avoidance.

Cynicism is a stubborn distrust, pointed apathy, clever disdain, and worn disappointment. Cynics have seen how games are played, and they anticipate the moves. Or they have tried, but found things aren’t what they seem. So the cynic is left with the grim analysis of the world as their view of reality.

But there is a better way. There is joy to be had in place of disappointment, love instead of apathy, and peace in place of distrust. There is something in each cynic- and we all are, the difference only in degree, that longs – for connection, joy and peace.

So come, let your heart be open a bit today. Let God’s presence warm you some. You’ll be surprised yourself what happens. It’s kind of like spring. All of the sudden, branches grow softer, and even character bends. Then, leaves unfurl, and where could they have been hiding all those months? And the trees bloom, in all their tenderness and glory.

Taste, and see, that God is good! Face that glorious light of the Lord, and somehow, your face starts glowing too. And you find yourself a little more patient here, and a bit kinder there. And then, some gentleness shows, and self – control. Somehow you discover, that cynicism was just a jaded shield, and you don’t need it any more.

God recreates the miracle each spring. He can do the same with you.


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control;
against such things there is no law…

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:22-23, 25