Nehemiah was once just a state official, a king’s trusted servant. But all of that changed when he recognized the need of a wall to be built in Jerusalem. Where others saw an unfortunate fact, Nehemiah heard a call to do a work for God, work that benefited people.

Nehemiah didn’t build the wall by himself, he had the help of many people. Nehemiah and ultimately God noted all that were involved, their background, special circumstances, and how eagerly they worked.

Good work will always have opposition. Sanballat and his friends made it a mission to stop Nehemiah’s work. They first mocked, laughed at the project. The people didn’t despair, so the enemy plotted to attack. Nehemiah armed his men in preparation, and the attack didn’t come. Finally, Sanballat and his friends tried various means of deception. They tried to deal, negotiate with Nehemiah, then they tried to discourage him with false rumors, and finally some Jews joined Sunballet in the schemes against Nehemiah. They attempted to frighten him as well-“ run to the temple, they want to kill you”.

In all of it, Nehemiah stood strong and was not frightened, he encouraged those working with him, and constantly brought the opposition he was facing to God in prayer. The wall was completed, in spite of all the enemy hostility, for the benefit of all those living in Jerusalem, and for the glory of God.

Listen, maybe today or tomorrow you’ll see a need that no one else does. Or no one faces. Maybe that’s your call. If you have decided to join a good work, expect opposition. The first type may be mockery, or attempts of humiliation. If you are not disheartened by that, be armed for more serious attack. Sometimes enemies resort to deception. That’s normal and also to be expected. Be wary of compromise, of meeting on the enemy’s plain. You may be discouraged by false rumors, betrayed by supporters, or disheartened by those close to you. Continue your work, and ultimately, find your strength in God. Christ has overcome the world, and it is in Him, that our victory is found.


“ For whatever is born of God overcomes the world;
and this is the victory that has overcome the world -our faith.”
1 John 5:4