James 1:27
“Pure and undefined religion in the sight of our
God and Father is this: to visit orphans and
widows in their distress, and to keep oneself
unstained by the world.”

For a long time I was praying and asking I should be doing in
my life. Later I was reading James, and I was really convicted
by this verse. It’s seems something so simple, yet it was
something that I didn’t do enough. Many times I thought
that God wasn’t working through me unless I was moving
mountains or bringing thousands of people to repentance.
And while all those things are good, and I strive for them,
God reminded me that the greatest thing I could do, is love.
I could fulfill His greatest commandment doing something so
simple as this: visiting my relatives, grandma’s, and
grandpa’s. We can show Gods love to them just by talking
with them. It may seem like nothing big, but they feel so
loved when you take time out of your day to show them they
are cared for and not forgotten.

So I encourage myself, and all our youth, if you are looking
for some way to serve Christ, look at the people God placed
in your life and see how you can shine light and love to
them. For by doing something so small, we are actually
doing something quite big.

SCC Youth Member