Walk In Love And Learn To Hate

Walk In Love And Learn To Hate By: Mark Alyabyev   I love eating sweets, but I also love staying skinny. Unfortunately, I can only choose one and not both. I either have to walk in the way of "eating sweets" or the way of "staying skinny." Simply stated: love for one thing excludes love [...]

2016-01-02T22:56:04-08:00January 2nd, 2016|Insight on Bible Reading|

A Grateful Heart Is Never Out Of Season!

A Grateful Heart Is Never Out Of Season! By: Natasha Toderashko Thanksgiving has passed. It seems that the conversations about giving thanks, counting blessings, and showing gratitude to God have somewhat dissolved in the hassle of Christmas shopping and preparations. We are now consumed with the new to-do list, and at times we remind ourselves [...]

2015-12-21T20:59:50-08:00December 21st, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|

Trials Events That Make Us Stronger

Events That Make Us Stronger By: Inessa Deshkina  When was the last time someone did something that made you ponder about how you should react? Something that made you go back and: 1) Read the Bible – seeing what God says about it 2) Pray – asking God for wisdom, understanding, and encouragement  3) Search [...]

2015-12-21T14:03:57-08:00December 13th, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|

Don’t Miss The Most Important Part!

Don’t Miss The Most Important Part! By: Liya Abramova Then He said to them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said [...]

2015-12-05T18:44:16-08:00November 23rd, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|

Ask The Wrong Question: Hear What You Want

Ask The Wrong Question: Hear What You Want By: Mark Alyabyev Several years back I used to work in sales—selling various appliances such as fridges, washers, and dryers. From the time the customer walked into the door, my job was to sell them the product, the accompanying warranty, and the store credit card. My income [...]

2015-11-17T02:43:39-08:00November 17th, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|

Marriage Vows—Are You Ready To Accept?

Marriage Vows—Are You Ready To Accept? By: Denis Toderashko A few years ago I photographed a wedding. The walk in the park, ceremony, and reception were prearranged and went just as planned. Guests and parents wished long and happy life to the groom and the bride. As always, social media presented the day in the [...]

2015-11-08T22:34:58-08:00November 8th, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|

Are You Up For Swimming?

Are You Up For Swimming? By: Alex Slobodyanik Authenticity [aw-then-tis-i-tee] - the quality of being genuine, real. Jesus tells us that we better be serious about our daily conduct. If you live an authentic Christian life, you will do good—not only for yourself, but for those around you as well. Especially for those who have [...]

2016-12-17T12:29:16-08:00November 2nd, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|

Does Your Coping Strategy Need An Upgrade?

Does Your Coping Strategy Need An Upgrade? By: Inessa Deshkina What strategy do you use to cope with terrifying news? How is that strategy working for you? What success do you achieve with your strategy? As a human being, Jesus heard and reacted to terrifying news, just like all humans do. In one particular situation, [...]

2015-10-27T22:43:40-07:00October 27th, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|

Show That Mercy

Show That Mercy By: Liya Abramova Be merciful, Jesus says.  Those are not simple words you get to put aside for the convenient times. Mercy is not convenient. It is drastic, revolutionary, and radical. Mercy is unfair. Think on that for a moment. So much of Jesus’ words in Luke 6 can be condensed to [...]

2015-10-22T14:04:22-07:00October 21st, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|

Sir, Why Are You Speeding?

Sir, Why  Are You Speeding? By: Mark Alyabyev I've been wrong before. When I saw police lights in my rear-view mirror and the officer coming to my window, I wasn't happy. I was upset at the officer for pulling me over, but I wasn't upset at myself for breaking traffic law. The king of Israel, [...]

2015-10-12T00:39:26-07:00October 12th, 2015|Insight on Bible Reading|
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