I S A I A H   4 0 : 8


 This verse can get me through anything.

In a way it can convey a negative connotation to some, implying that eventually everything will burn and be gone. But it’s true, and I think many of us try not to think of that. That someday, everything will fade away. All our material possessions, all the work we put into this life, even our fleshly bodies will deteriorate into the end.

This verse reminds me to think of what really matters, what are the important things in my life. What do you hold close to your heart? Who are the people you hold dear to, and what has the most meaning? There are many things we worry about and stress throughout this time, but the most important thing is our salvation. Is that assured? How is your relationship with Christ? Do you know where you will end up after all this is over?

If all you worry about is the material things in life, imagine where that will take you. I ask us today, is it really worth all our time and devotion?

If your salvation is assured, and your foundation is firm in Jesus then my dear friend you can get through anything in this life.

No matter what you will face, you know that you have someone standing by you, who will never leave you. No matter the toil and pain you have to endure through this life, you know that something greater waits for you.

Everything will fade away, yet God remains.

Y O U T H   M E M B E R