3/7/2016 Syria

International Christian Concern

As we pray for the persecuted church this month, we are featuring examples of current persecution around the world. We want to be aware of the pain of our brothers and sisters, our fellow members in the body of Christ.

The world is in shock as militant gunmen stormed a Catholic nun-operated retirement home in Aden, Yemen. Officials said the attackers moved room to room handcuffing the victims before finally shooting 16 staff members in the head. The home was created as a charity by Mother Theresa and is run by nuns who dedicated their lives to continuing her work throughout the war-torn region. In addition to those killed, an Indian priest was kidnapped in the attack, and his status remains unknown. The murdered caregiving nuns had chosen to work at the retirement home in Yemen rather than return home to safety when they had the opportunity. In addition to those four nuns, the other victims were “four local nurses, four security guards, and three cleaning staff,” according to medical sources.

Let us pray:

  • That the world will remember the four nuns who were martyred for their faith in Christ and praise God for their obedience to love the poor and oppressed.
  • That the Holy Spirit would strengthen the victims injured during this attack.
  • For the safety of the Indian priest who was kidnapped and that he would be freed swiftly and safely.

Report from Persecution.Org

Can read a longer version in New York Times.