“If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.” -John 8:36

Have you ever looked at the ocean and wondered exactly how far it goes or the hills and valleys and how high they rise? In the same way, God’s promises to us sometimes seem incredibly far. You see, It’s easy to become distracted; it’s easy to loose sight of things that were promised to us; it’s easy to loose heart in a world that’s continuously broken and evermore dark, yet a promise awaits us that is never changing and never shaken. It is a promise of salvation, a promise of faith, a promise of hope, a promise of prosperity, a promise of security, and a promise of love. This is a promise that cannot be eradicated nor forgottenit is secure! This is a time to take this promise and apply it to our lives- let us bathe in this promise and seek the Lord until the day of His coming! Let us not forget the great things He has done for us in the past; let us hold fast onto all things that are good, honorable, and true. Let us believe and not look back as Lot’s wife did, but press on and pursue the quiet whisper that has been tugging in our hearts. O, dear Beloved, He’s calling you for greater things. Will you open your heart and embrace the freedom that Christ has made available for you? It is FOR you.

“And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise.” Heb. 6:15

– Youth Memeber