One of the Lord’s last words, were to go out and preach to all
the nations; the great commission. This is a task ordained to all
of us, to let all know about Christ, until He returns. I ask myself,
and I ask you, how are we doing so? Maybe we believe that this
great commission has expired, but the Lords word is true now,
and forever. Maybe we think it’s not necessary, or it’s too hard,
or even just don’t want to. Our lives are busy and we are
distracted by work and school, but fulfilling the task of preaching
His word, does not mean we need to pack all our things and fly
out somewhere we’ve never been. For some, they are called to
that life, but everyone is called to proclaim the good news of the
kingdom of heaven at hand. Christ has saved us; we are blessed
beyond measure to know Him. There are many others who are
in need of this good news and revelation of love. Let us not
forget those and not forget the instruction of Jesus. Preach with
your actions, with the love Christ put inside you, show kindness
and shine the light. Don’t withhold His name from your
conversation, but tell others about the wonders that He has
done in YOUR life, how He personally changed you. There are
many things that we can do to preach God’s name. The people
around us are not accidental, the place you live is not a
coincidence, God put certain people in our lives and in different
circumstance so that we could minister to them through our own
personal testimonies and talents He has blessed us with.

Y O U T H  S C C  M E M B E R