Insight on Bible Reading2016-12-17T12:29:15-08:00
2306, 2015

Get the Best Deal on Your Insurance!!!

June 23rd, 2015|

By: Natasha Toderashko

Get the Best Deal on Your Insurance!!!

How many of us always look for a better and cheaper insurance, and how many people avoid having one at all? Well, the Bible offers the best insurance that stands very firmly on the market!

“Good character is the best insurance; crooks get trapped in their sinful lists.” Proverbs 11:6 (MSG)

Working on improving our character is much harder than finding good insurance. However, God gives us this challenge daily, and He never asks us to do something impossible. Therefore, let’s evaluate our current insurance and ask The Lord to help us upgrade to the best package there is. Features are described in Galatians 5:22!

1606, 2015

How To Treat A Fool

June 16th, 2015|

How To Treat A Fool

I know I can act like a quick-tempered child at times. Especially if the person I am talking to just is not getting it. Or it may seem to me like he or she is slower than normal. Well, even if that is true, the Bible teaches me to not get provoked by someone’s folly. Instead, I must speak humbly and with love.

By the way, to answer to the fool “as his folly deserves” does not mean to “speak foolishly.” It actually means to “answer a person in simple terms,” making all possible attempts to keep peace.

How about your attitude to the people who are “slower” than you? What names do you call them (even if it is in your mind)?

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes. (Proverbs 26:4-5)

By: Alex Slobodyanik

1006, 2015

What Do You Seek?

June 10th, 2015|

By: Inessa Deshkina

What Do You Seek?

What do you wish would change in your life? Sometimes it’s

difficult to see how seeking God’s kingdom above everything else

can help us in other spheres of our lives. When the Lord appeared

to Solomon in a dream, He said:


“Ask what you wish Me to give you,” Solomon’s reply was,

“Give your servant an understanding heart to judge Your

people to discern between good and evil”

(1 Kings 3:9).

Because Solomon was seeking God’s rule above his own, God

granted him beyond what he asked. Seek God’s kingdom first—

everything else God will provide. If you have everything but don’t

have Christ, you have nothing; if you have nothing but have

Christ, you have everything!

306, 2015

Where is Your Stronghold?

June 3rd, 2015|

By: Liya Abramova

Where is Your Stronghold?

 King David is known as a powerful king and a courageous warrior. David, however, did not trust in his own power and strength. Instead, he regularly proclaimed God as his refuge and stronghold. All of us need a place to go, a refuge, when our strength and courage is not enough. What is your stronghold, your safe place? 

My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior—
from violent people you save me.

(2 Samuel 22:3)

2605, 2015

Believing Everything You Hear

May 26th, 2015|

Believing Everything You Hear

What’s your favorite TV show or favorite news source? After you sit down and indulge in your chosen source of entertainment, the information you received starts to digest. Eventually, what you see portrayed as normal becomes normalized in your thinking—whether it’s violence, nudity, profanity, adultery, or substance abuse. A lie that is repeated often enough usually becomes believable. Who or what do you listen to and watch? If you’re a girl, do you take your cue on love, marriage, fashion, and behavior from what popular culture presents? If you’re a guy, does your idea of success come from what kind of car you drive or how many girls you can “pick up?” Are you at risk for being brainwashed?

Compare your information with the truth and standard of God’s Word… or else you will end up believing a lie just like David did. When Ziba lied to King David he accepted the lie without checking to see if it was true. Don’t believe everything you hear or see… even if it’s on TV.

And the king said, “And where is your master’s son?” Ziba said to the king, “Behold, he remains in Jerusalem, for he said, ‘Today the house of Israel will give me back the kingdom of my father… [Mephibosheth] answered, “My lord, O king, my servant deceived me… He has slandered your servant to my lord the king.

 (2-Samuel 16:3 / 19:26-27)

By: Mark Alyabyev

2005, 2015

Warriors in God’s Kingdom

May 20th, 2015|

By: Natalya Toderashko

Warriors in God’s Kingdom

It is not a hidden fact that we are God’s warriors, and we are given His special armor for all of our battles (Eph. 6:10-13). But do you remember the last time you stood alongside a fellow soldier and fought his/her battle? We are placed in God’s army for a reason—to enlarge His kingdom. However, we are not to do it alone—the burden of every battle is to be shared. What a blessing and encouragement it is to feel somebody’s shoulder right in the middle of the battle! Be that shoulder for somebody today and come to their aid with your prayer!

Joab said, “If the Arameans are too strong for me, then you are to come to my rescue; but if the Ammonites are too strong for you, then I will come to rescue you.

Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The LORD will do what is good in his sight.” (2 Samuel 10:11-12)

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