Insight on Bible Reading2016-12-17T12:29:15-08:00
505, 2015

Choices, Choices, Choices

May 5th, 2015|

Choices, Choices, Choices

We make a plethora of choices each day. Yet, do we remember to choose what God wants us to chose? Do we chase after His heart? When we inquire God of what His will is, He will bless us and will be there for us just like He was for David.

2 Samuel 5:19

So David inquired of God: “Shall I go and attack the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hands?” The LORD answered him, “Go, I will deliver them into your hands.”

By: Inessa Deshkina
2804, 2015

Gradual Victory

April 28th, 2015|

Gradual Victory

“Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David; and David grew steadily stronger, but the house of Saul grew weaker continually.” (2 Samuel 3:1)

We love the story of David’s victory over Goliath – instant, glorious, and powerful. But we rarely think of the fact that many more victories in David’s life were nothing like that. His ascent to becoming king of Israel, for example, lasted many years, and had many obstacles and setbacks. David did not become king immediately after Saul’s death, as we might expect. Instead, for seven more years, he is only accepted as ruler over his own tribe of Judah. This period is one of a vicious struggle between the house of David, and that of Saul, the nation is torn, and there are battles and unnecessary deaths. David could have started doubting God’s promise at this point. Surely, God could have given him the kingdom more easily and quickly. Instead, this victory came slowly and gradually. Are you waiting for a victory, a fulfillment of one of God’s promises? If so, don’t get discouraged, maybe this battle will take time. Even David didn’t always win with one shot.

By: Liya Abramova


2204, 2015

I Did It…Almost

April 22nd, 2015|

I Did It…Almost

If there is any shortcut in life it has to be “almost doing something.” Almost listening to our parents; almost doing well in school; almost watching the right things; almost doing the right thing. It is so close it can “almost” be considered the right thing. Almost doing something is so much easier then completely doing it. Saul was commanded to destroy the enemy, and he almost did…except those things which were convenient for him. For this reason God rejected him as king and found another in his place. Is there anything you need destroy [put an end to the existence of] in your life such as certain movies, friends, or addictions? Because “almost” isn’t going to cut it.

And Saul said to Samuel, “I have obeyed the voice of the Lord…. But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the best of the things devoted to destruction….Because you have rejected the word of the Lord he has also rejected you from being king.” (1 Samuel 15:20-23)

By: Mark Alyabyev

(Insight on Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 4-24, Psalms 11, 59, 21-24, 27, 7, 31, 34, 52)

1504, 2015

Real Celebrity

April 15th, 2015|

Real Celebrity

People talk, they share news, stories and perception of other people. However, often times there is a lot of truth to what others say about us. The story of Ruth vividly paints a picture of a young woman that makes a firm decision which leads her to unimaginable results. Her decision was made in the wilderness, with no one around to impress, but her loyalty was well known among people in her town. Not only she became famous among her people, but most importantly her faithfulness was recognized by God. It was Ruth the Moabite woman who became a grand grandmother of King David and a link in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. What are you known for among your people?

“Now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do you whatever you ask, for all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence.” Ruth 3:11

Denis Toderashko

704, 2015

Каждый город имеет свой собственный вход

April 7th, 2015|

Каждый город имеет свой собственный вход

22  И сыны Иосифа пошли также на Вефиль, и Господь был с ними.

23 И остановились и высматривали сыны Иосифовы Вефиль (имя же городу [было] прежде Луз).

24 И увидели стражи человека, идущего из города, и сказали ему: покажи нам вход в город, и сделаем с тобою милость.

25 Он показал им вход в город, и поразили они город мечом…

Судей 1:22-25


Господь был с Израильтянами при захвате хананейского города Вефиль. Его очевидная воля была на завоевание и поражение врагов Израиля. И тем не менее города сами по себе не сдавались, не открывались, и не уничтожались. На народе Божьем оставалась ответственность вести войну, применять стратегии и искать удобного момента для борьбы за землю, надо было «находить [свой индивидуальный] вход в [каждый] город».

А как насчет тебя? Например ты знаешь, что есть воля Божья на спасение твоего родственника, а молишься ли ты, чтобы Бог открыл тебе «вход в этот город», то есть правильный момент и нужные слова для проповеди?

Или, к примеру, ты чувствуешь, что Бог ведет тебя служить миссионером в Мексике. Молишься ли ты о том, как и когда это делать? Или просто едешь со всеми за компанию?

 Alex Slobodyanik

2403, 2015

When God lets you be hungry

March 24th, 2015|

When God lets you be hungry

2. You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.

3. He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. 

4.Your clothing did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years.  5.Thus you are to know in your heart that the Lord your God was disciplining you just as a man disciplines his son. (Deuteronomy 8:2-5)

We struggle to see meaning sometimes. Especially when we don’t like what happens to or around us. Israelites were like us too. A generation of them grew up in the wilderness, wandering for forty years. Many times a man or a woman stared out into the hazy distance, past the tents in the sands of the desert… and got lost in the questions. “Why?, Why have we been wondering around for decades? Has the Lord forgotten us, and left us in the desert? Can we be sure it is the Lord leading Moses and Aaron? This is not a normal way to live, no homes, no gardens, no advancement… what’s the point?”

Meanwhile, God has been leading them, humbling, testing, and looking closely at their hearts. God let them be hungry, yet provided manna for them. In all their waking, their clothes did not wear out, or feet swell from the constant hike. God was carefully tending to them, as a father watches and disciplines a child. So today or tomorrow, when the questions come again, remember, how God led and disciplined the Israelites. And realize, too, that if you are a child of God, God is leading you, watching your heart, and molding you. If God is letting you be hungry, He might be providing manna.

Liya Abramova

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