Hebrews 12: 1
“ Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of
witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every
encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles
us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set
before us”

In this life you will have troubles, face obstacles, and you will
get tired. The Christian life is like a race, and we are called to
run this race with endurance. How exactly can we run this
race that is set before us? God did not leave us jogging in
the dark. He leads the way, as long as we stay in the word
and seek His face. If you will run this race how God called
you to run it. You are going to win a prize. You are going to
be satisfied because what God wants to do in your life is
better than anything you have ever wanted to do in your life.
What God asks of us is to keep running and not get
distracted by this world because one distraction leads to

This world will never satisfy you. Only God can truly satisfy
you. The only way you can get to your final destination is to
be focused on God. If you do not see the finish line yet, it
does not mean it’s not there. When you are facing hardships
know that if you set your eyes on God and have faith He will
lead you through it.

SCC Youth Member