And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. -Hebrews 11.6

When was the last time you talked with God? If we’re honest, most of us don’t pray as much as we think we should. There are many reasons; we’re busy, distracted, feel far from God, but maybe the real reason is our lack of faith.

It’s hard to talk to someone we don’t know, or aren’t sure is listening. Sometimes, we aren’t sure God is listening, not sure of His disposition toward us, His character. This is where faith comes in. Faith is needed not when we see or hear, but when we do not. Faith must based on something, and in regard to God, it needs to be based on what He says about Himself in His Word.

Those coming to God must believe He is, and rewards those that seek Him. We need to trust that God is good, and loves us. This changes things. When we are sure that someone cares for us, has our best interests at heart, we come to them easily. Words come easily.

So today, as you kneel in prayer, trust what God says about Himself. Trust that He loves you, and is ready to accept you, listen to you. What do you have to tell Him?

-Liya Abramova