The Perfect Fit

Say your sewing yourself an outfit, and you know exactly what style you want and how it should look like, but you have the option of giving it to a seamstress who can perfectly fit you into a dress or suit meant exactly for you.

This outfit can be anything in our lives, like a career we’re pursuing, or the spouse we are desiring. When we choose to put it in our own hands, the seams will rip apart, buttons will fall off, until eventually the outfit will be destroyed. The seamstress is God, who already knows what will fit perfectly on you. God knows what spouse will be perfect for you, He has already chosen the best career. Many of us will choose to still go through with our own desires thinking we know better, having faith in ourselves. but let us trust in His plan, and surrender our will to His and the end result will be better than anything we try to accomplish with our own power.

When we do this we have the burden of worrying lifted up from us because we have the confidence in Christ that He will take care of us. With this knowledge that our families, our future spouses, and school is in Gods hands we can truly focus on the purpose set out for each and every one of us; all in its due time your perfect outfit will be completed and clothed on you, that will not fall apart or fade away. For the work of Gods hands can not be destroyed and His promises are not empty.

“And my God will supply all your needs according to the riches of His power in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19