Many of us want to do great things for the Lord, and that is good, but it’s the little things that makes great impact. We want God to use us for big revivals, to be leaders of many people, move mountains, and heal incurable diseases! But can we be faithful in little? Can we be something as simple, as love?

To play or sing for a worship team is amazing, to preach is good, all these tasks are good, but love is still greater. When you forget the wrong that someone has done to you, and instead show kindness, when you are silent when accused, when you kneel instead of standing higher, we are doing something tremendous. These things seem unnoticed, no one will applaud you, and it makes it harder to do them. But that’s what the Lord called us to be, to love as He has loved us. And His love, is complete. His love is something the world doesn’t have, but desperately needs. The world is surprised and shocked when we care for others, when we lower and humble ourselves, the world stands in awe.

The world needs more love.

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” -1 John 3:1

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