Dear neighbor,
Today, I wanted to write something especially meaningful for you. Something, that when you read it, would help you in your personal spiritual battle.
But I have no words. So I will be honest.
You see, I, too, am weak. I’ve probably judged you before, at some point, although I have no right to judge. I saw you from afar, and my sinful eyes did not see God’s creation, His handiwork, His masterpiece, (Because that’s what you are- regardless of whether you believe it or not.) But competition is the game of life. I needed to make myself look better than you, somehow.
That was before I loved you. Before I stood in prayer for you. Before my eyes cried tears for your needs; your pain. Before I looked beyond myself for a second and saw that there is another worthy of my attention- you.
You are more beautiful than you can imagine. Your worth is infinite. In you, there is a soul that longs to come alive, to breathe, to finally put off all these earthly weights dragging you down, and to let Christ live in you. And I long for it too. I don’t ask God for material blessings for you- those things pass away so quickly; and our Heavenly Father knows what you need better than I do, anyway.
Rather, I ask Him to open your ears to the call of Christ. “Come to me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
This, and only this, is the essence of life. Believe that you are more to Christ than even a child to their parent, for He promised that even if your earthly parents should forsake you, He never will. Believe in His Cross and His blood; the power He has over sin, believe in His glorious Resurrection, which is your salvation, and your hope.
Surrender to Christ entails nothing less than an ultimate death to yourself; to your ego, to your will. Jesus says that a grain of wheat that falls into the ground must die to produce fruit, otherwise it remains alone. But if it dies, it will produce much fruit. So believe that there is life after death to self, and know, that if you haven’t died, you haven’t lived.
With all my love, A neighbor.