About ddzyk

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So far ddzyk has created 110 blog entries.


P S A L M 3 7 : 3 TRUST IN THE LORD AND DO GOOD. DWELL IN THE LAND AND CULTIVATE FAITHFULNESS. CULTIVATE: To work on; improve the growth of; Develop; enrich; discipline. When you have committed your way to the Lord, do not loose hope when things are not going well. When you [...]

2019-02-07T15:57:43-08:00February 7th, 2019|Devotional|


C O L O S S I A N S 3 : 1 3 BEARING WITH ONE ANOTHER, AND FORGIVING EACH OTHER, WHOEVER HAS A COMPLAINT AGAINST ANYONE: JUST AS THE LORD FORGAVE YOU, SO ALSO SHOULD YOU. Forgiveness strengthens relationships. These words seem pretty self-explanatory, but sometimes they can be so hard to follow. [...]

2019-02-07T15:55:56-08:00February 7th, 2019|Devotional|
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