About ddzyk

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So far ddzyk has created 110 blog entries.


J O H N 3 : 3 4 FOR THE ONE WHOM GOD HAS SENT SPEAKS THE WORDS OF GOD, FOR GOD GIVES THE SPIRIT WITHOUT LIMIT. Do you ever see yourself put the work of God to a measure? I know I have. I always wondered why I put a measure to what my [...]

2018-12-17T16:32:51-08:00December 16th, 2018|Devotional|


“LET YOUR GENTLENESS BE EVIDENT TO ALL. THE LORD IS NEAR.” PHILIPPIANS 4:5   If someone were to describe you, would they describe you as gentle? Do people remember you for your gentle spirit, loving personality, and peaceful nature? As Christians, lights of the world, ambassadors of the faith, we must exhibit a peace that [...]

2018-11-17T00:26:28-08:00November 17th, 2018|Devotional|

Who Can Say

“WHEN THEY KEPT ON QUESTIONING HIM, HE STRAIGHTENED UP AND SAID TO THEM, “LET ANY ONE OF YOU WHO IS WITHOUT SIN BE THE FIRST TO THROW A STONE AT HER.” JOHN 8:7 Who among us can say that we have never sinned, has never had fault, has never done wrong? We are quick to [...]

2018-11-15T18:29:34-08:00November 1st, 2018|Devotional|


“BE CAREFUL THAT NO ONE ENTICES YOU BY RICHES; DO NOT LET A LARDGE BRIBE TURN YOU ASIDE.” JOB 36:18 This verse reminded me of myself, of people I know, and people I don’t know. We can clearly see that it is saying to not be attached to the things the world can offer. Filling [...]

2018-10-16T23:36:26-07:00October 16th, 2018|Devotional|
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