About ddzyk

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So far ddzyk has created 110 blog entries.


“BEHOLD, I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK. IF ANYONE HEARS MY VOICE AND OPENS THE DOOR, I WILL COME IN TO HIM AND EAT WITH HIM, AND HE WITH ME.” REVELATION 3:20 We don’t have to fight for the attention of Jesus; He is fighting for our attention. Most days sin will catch our [...]

2018-09-26T11:29:10-07:00September 26th, 2018|Devotional|

Those Who Hear

“BUT BLESSED ARE YOUR EYES, BECAUSE THEY SEE; AND YOUR EARS, BECAUSE THEY HEAR.” MATTHEW 13: 16 For many of us we born into Christian families and grew up with Christian morals where Christ was always the center. Our parents dedicated us to prayer as we were born; we started each day with prayer and [...]

2018-09-19T08:35:02-07:00September 19th, 2018|Devotional|

Be Real

“BUT GOD DEMONSTRATES HIS OWN LOVE FOR US IN THIS: WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US.” ROMANS 5:8 Be real with Christ. He’s the one who saved you. Out of a crowd of people He chose you. So why do we try and hide our problems before Him, why do we pretend [...]

2018-08-29T16:51:24-07:00August 29th, 2018|Devotional|


“GIVE FREELY AND BECOME MORE WEALTHY; BE STINGY AND LOSE EVERYTHING. THE GENEROUS WILL PROSPER; THOSE WHO REFRESH OTHERS WILL THEMSELVES BE REFRESHED.” PROVERBS 11:24-25 When you hear the word invest, the first thing that probably pops in your head is money, right? But I would like us to look at it from a different [...]

2018-08-23T09:48:07-07:00August 23rd, 2018|Devotional|

With Intention

“BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART, FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD.” MATTHEW 5:8 Why do we come to church? For some of us maybe it’s because we like fellowship, for others their parents made them; and even so for others maybe they only came because they were speaking or performing. We must question are intentions. [...]

2018-08-12T22:00:04-07:00August 12th, 2018|Devotional|

Let Patience

“BUT LET PATIENCE HAVE ITS PERFECT WORK, THAT YOU MAY BE PERFECT AND COMPLETE, LACKING NOTHING.” JAMES 1:4 Many times I skipped over the word let, ‘but let patience...’, when reading this verse. I always focused on the verse before, where it says to have joy in various trials knowing that this testing of your [...]

2018-07-31T23:37:37-07:00July 31st, 2018|Devotional|

Always Good

“WHY DO YOU CALL ME GOOD?’ JESUS ASKED. ONLY GOD IS TRULY GOOD.” MARK 10:18 Do you recognize that God is always good? Or is this just something we’ve memorized, “God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good.” But, He is surely, always good. When the rain pours down, it [...]

2018-07-31T23:35:20-07:00July 31st, 2018|Devotional|
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